Pniël Erfenis- en Kultuurtrust (PEKT)

The PEKT (Pniël Erfenis- en Kultuurtrust) was established in 2011 by the Pniël Congregational Church.

  • The objectives of the TRUST include:
    To collect, preserve, research, document and exhibit artefacts and photos pertaining the history of this former mission station, where freed slaves and other blacks came to start a new life. This led to the successful opening of the Pniël Museum in 2013.
  • Youth development through education, art, literature and through this informing the youth about our rich cultural heritage
  • Cultural activities: To involve the community through regular and varied activities, exhibitions, workshops and competitions (i.e. Adam Small Literary festival, photography & writers’ workshops, art classes)
  • To acknowledge and develop roll models, businesses and groups who played a part in Pniel becoming what it is today
  • Women empowerment in the Community through creating job opportunities

We thus strive to build a proud, economically sustainable community who is supported through ongoing education opportunities and development, especially focussing on the youth, entrepreneurs and women – a community who is proud of their heritage and with respect for their forefathers.

Various monuments were erected on a historical area just outside the museum, called “Die Werf”, i.e. The Freedom monument in the shape of a Dove (erected 1994), The Slave Monument – one of only 4 in South Africa, The Ubuntu Monument, revealed by Dr Kenneth Kaunda in 2017 and a Slave Bell. All this was done with limited funds through donations and volunteers, who spent their time and expertise to establish these monuments.

The trustees of the PEKT who manages the projects and the Pniel Museum – the latter is the main focus of the trust.  The Trustees are supported by the different partners of the Projects.

Annual Projects that are run successfully by the trust and donations by funders are:

  1. Adam Small Literary Festival in February
  2. Museum Open Day on 18 May
  3. Youth day sport and talent day on 16 June
  4. Heritage day walk in collaboration with CANSA in September
  5. Celebration of the emancipation of slaves on 1 December
  6. An Art school for primary school learners
  7. A Writer’s school for local upcoming writers and poets – their first collection of poems was just released in book form
  8. Photography workshops – bi-annual

Trustees: J Myburgh, S November, E Ontong, R Williams, U Williams
Rivierstraat, Pniël, 7681 | Tel: 021 885 2645